¿Como es que los programadores gastan un montón de tiempo en codificar o programar?
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El Vínculo: http://www.quora.com/Computer-Programming/How-do-programmers-have-a-lot-of-time-to-spend-on-coding
¿Como es que los programadores gastan un montón de tiempo en codificar o programar?
Porque esta es la cosa mas interesante y
divertida que una persona puede hacer en toda la historia de las cosas
interesantes y divertidas que los humanos podemos hacer.
Muchos gastan su vida sembrando plantas y recogiendo
cosechas, pero es un proceso tan lento que uno puede morirse de aburrimiento.
Otra cosa que podemos hacer sería construir
cosas a partir de madera, vidrio o metales, inclusive naves espaciales. Pero
esto toma largo tiempo. Es lento y finalmente limitado a la velocidad del
artesano o de la cantidad de dinero que uno pueda gastar en contratarlo. Los
robots podrían acelerar el proceso, pero ahora nosotros estamos hablando de
Algunos prefieren la política, o los negocios,
lo cual puede parecer interesante si tu pasión
está en la interacción humana. En cualquier
caso, es lento, o al menos limitado por la velocidad de las comunicaciones y
del comercio. La velocidad de la comunicación es facilitada por la tecnología –
de nuevo la programación.
libros es divertido. Observar videos es divertido. Hacerlos es menos pasivo, y mas apasionante, pero a fin de
cuentas producir estas cosas es un proceso lento y limitado justamente tal como
construir puentes de madera o carros de metal.
Hacer música es otra opción de cosas divertidas
e interesantes por hacer pero a fin de cuentas está limitado a la habilidad de
las personas para ejecutarla físicamente. Avanzar sobre las limitaciones de las
ejecuciones musicales nos regresa a la programación.
Yo diría que únicamente la codificación ofrece
una posibilidad de hacer algo, y entonces hacer algo mas sobre ese algo, y
entonces continuar construyendo. Quizás únicamente los codificadores entienden
como las herramientas escritas pueden aplilarse en algo sorprendente y como la
Ley de Moore alimenta esta posibilidad y como otras actividades humanas
palidecen ante esta comparación.
Así pues: los únicos otros contendientes son
la comida, el dormir, el sexo y los hijos como actividades posibles. Estos son
imperativos biológicos; yo algunas veces hubiera deseado ser como el personaje Data
de la serie “Star Trek: la nueva generación”.
Un verdadero codificador no encuentra el tiempo
para programar. Un verdadero programador calendariza a regañadientes tiempo
para todo lo demás.
Computer Programming: How do programmers have a lot of time to spend on coding?
it's the most fun and interesting thing for a person to do in the entire
history of fun and interesting things that humans can do.
Many have made a living by planting plants and reaping harvests but it's such a slow process that I would die of boredom.
Another thing to do would be to make stuff out of wood, glass, or metal. Spaceships even. But, it takes a long time. It's slow and is ultimately limited by the speed of a craftsman or the amount of money one can spend to hire them. Robots could speed that up but now we're talking about programming.
Some prefer politics, or business, which seems interesting if what you crave is human interaction. In any case it's slow, or at least limited by the speed of communication and commerce. The speed of communication is facilitated by technology - coding again.
Reading books is fun. Watching video is fun. Making those is less passive, and more compelling, but in the end it's a slow, limited, process to produce those things just the same as building bridges from wood or cars out of metal.
Making music is a contender for fun and interesting things to do but in the end it's limited by a persons ability to physically perform it. Moving past the human limitations for music performance comes back to programming.
I will say that only coding offers a possibility to make something, and then to make something more out of that something, and to then continue building. Perhaps only coders understand how the tools written can pile up into something amazing and how Moore's law fuels this possibility and how every other human activity pales by comparison.
Many have made a living by planting plants and reaping harvests but it's such a slow process that I would die of boredom.
Another thing to do would be to make stuff out of wood, glass, or metal. Spaceships even. But, it takes a long time. It's slow and is ultimately limited by the speed of a craftsman or the amount of money one can spend to hire them. Robots could speed that up but now we're talking about programming.
Some prefer politics, or business, which seems interesting if what you crave is human interaction. In any case it's slow, or at least limited by the speed of communication and commerce. The speed of communication is facilitated by technology - coding again.
Reading books is fun. Watching video is fun. Making those is less passive, and more compelling, but in the end it's a slow, limited, process to produce those things just the same as building bridges from wood or cars out of metal.
Making music is a contender for fun and interesting things to do but in the end it's limited by a persons ability to physically perform it. Moving past the human limitations for music performance comes back to programming.
I will say that only coding offers a possibility to make something, and then to make something more out of that something, and to then continue building. Perhaps only coders understand how the tools written can pile up into something amazing and how Moore's law fuels this possibility and how every other human activity pales by comparison.
the only other contenders are food, sleep, sex, and children as possible
activities. These are biological imperatives and I have sometimes wished I
could be like Data from
Star Trek TNG.
A true coder doesn't 'find' time for programming. A real programmer reluctantly schedules time for everything else.
A true coder doesn't 'find' time for programming. A real programmer reluctantly schedules time for everything else.
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